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Additional Learning Needs (ALN)


Mrs Lloyd

Mrs R Lloyd

Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo)


What are Additional Learning Needs?

A person has additional learning needs (ALN) if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for additional learning provision. This is whether the learning difficulty or disability arises from a medical condition or otherwise.

This would be if they:

  • have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age
  • have a disability which prevents or makes it more difficult for them to make use of facilities provided for others of the same age in mainstream maintained school.

How will my child be supported?

At Acton Park Primary School, we are committed to working together to support all pupils to help meet their needs and reach their full potential. There are 3 levels of support which are explained in more detail below:

1. Universal Provision (UP)

As a school we ensure that he needs of all pupils are met through high quality teaching and learning provision. ​Universal Provision is maximising the classroom environment and refining teaching strategies and resources that are available to all.​

​These include strategies to help concentration and attention, communication and interaction, literacy and numeracy, memory and organisational skills. ​Appropriate and reasonable adjustments are made to enable access for all to the learning and school environment.

​Examples of our UP include:​

  • Quality first teaching
  • Effective differentiation
  • Stimulating and calming environment
  • Collaborative group work​
  • Interventions for individuals and small groups
  • Access to visual aids e.g. working walls, virtual classrooms, interactive boards
  • Visual timetables​
  • Specific resources e.g. numicon, number lines, sounds mats​

During your child's time at Acton Park Primary School, they will make expected progress from their starting point. Careful observations and assessments enable us to identify quickly any pupils who are not making as much progress as expected, and a graduated response is employed. Initially short-term intervention is put in place and progress is closely monitored with a view to the pupil making progress and fully accessing learning through UP.

2. Targeted Universal Provision (TUP)

When reasonable adjustments in universal provision are not working well for a pupil, a Targeted Universal Provision (TUP) would be discussed by the teacher/ALNCo with parents / carers. Small steps targets are identified and strategies to support the pupil to meet these are planned and implemented. A person centred approach is adopted by creating a one-page profile which looks at what is important to the child, their likes and how best to support them, which puts your child at the heart of their own learning.

These plans are usually reviewed termly with pupils and parents / carers. Teachers also review these targets as part of their ongoing assessment to refine any targets or provision as and when needed.

3. Individual Development Plan (IDP)

An Individual Development Plan (IDP) may be drawn up with parents / carers, school staff, the ALNCo and usually other professionals together with the pupil when the TUP is not working to address the pupils needs and improve their progress. Evidence is gathered, and a person centred meeting takes place to determine the additional learning provision (ALP) that is needed.​

A school draws up and maintains the IDP with a long-term outcome and small steps targets towards this. These are also reviewed termly and teachers will review as part of their ongoing assessments.

Occasionally it may be necessary for the Local Authority to maintain the IDP.